Frequently Asked Questions

Great Oak accepts referrals from many different sources including, personal, physicians, therapists, case managers, and the school system.  A formal referral is not required for participation. If you’re interested in riding, please email our Lead Instructor, Eva Finnan at or call the Barn Office at 803-226-0056.

Great Oak operates year-round and offers a 20 week Spring Session, an 8 week Summer Session, and a 20 week Fall Session.  Students ride during the same day and time each week throughout the session. Each lesson costs $40, but Financial Assistance is available for those who qualify. At this time Great Oak’s Therapeutic Riding services are not billable to insurance.

Currently, all of Great Oak’s horses have been generously donated to us by community members. If an owner is interested in donating their horse to us the first step is to complete the Horse Inquiry Form. That form should then be submitted to our Equine Manager, Deborah McWhirter, The application is reviewed and if it is determined that the horse would be an appropriate fit, the Equine Manager will schedule a time to visit.  During the visit, we will observe the owner grooming, tacking and then riding the horse. We may then imitate sidewalking and leading the horse. After the evaluation, the Equine Manager may ask to bring the horse to our farm for a 90-day assessment to determine how successful and happy the horse will be as a Great Oak Horse.

Great Oak takes great care in selecting horses for the program.  We look for horses that are healthy and have a good demeanor. A good age is between 10 and 17.  We look for a horse that moves forward easily and freely, one that picks up his feet and responds readily to commands.  A willingness to learn and intelligence are also important.  The most important consideration is that a horse is calm and unexcitable, that is indifferent to objects or people moving around him and or touching him, and that he gets along well with other riders.

In order to participate in programs, a volunteer must be 14 years old.  For volunteers younger than 14 years old, Great Oak has developed a new program for younger volunteers called Pony Pals!

Volunteer training typically takes place at the Great Oak facility. Please visit our Volunteer page for the most up-to-date Volunteer Training schedule, here: Volunteer.

Families are welcome to volunteer!  Great Oak can make accommodations for a one-time project through our Monthly Farm Days or a family can participate as “GO” Getters in the barn weekly. 

Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Grace Flanders by email at or the Barn Office at 803-226-0056 about dates that your group can come to the farm!

Sign-up is not required but encouraged.  Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Grace Flanders by email at or the Barn Office at 803-226-0056 if you plan on attending so we can be ready for you to come to the farm!
